About Me

Connecticut Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Certified Relational LifeTherapist
Relational Life Institute Faculty Member
CTAMFT Clinical Member
AAMFT Approved Clinical Fellow Member

LGBTQ+ Affirming Provider
I have always been fascinated with the impact of communication in intimate relationships. Initially educated in Interpersonal Communication and Psychology, my transition into Marriage and Family Therapy was a natural fit.
I have been a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist for over three decades and have worked with all kinds of people, different ages, races, cultures, and sexualities. I have attended hundreds of educational workshops and seminars over the years, concentrating predominantly on couples therapy training over the past fifteen years. Relational work, whether with individuals, couples, or families, is at the heart of every session. None of us live in a bubble and our emotional well-being and the health of our relationships are completely intertwined.
I am a firm believer that my best teachers are my clients who share their stories with me day in and day out. It is through them, and through my own relationships, that I appreciate the nuances of being intimate with another human being.
As a Certified Relational Life Therapist, the work that I do is not about re-enacting negative patterns in the therapy office. RLT offers a model to understand why we trip up in our intimate relationships and how to learn specific relational skills to practice full-respect living with one another, both within sessions and at home.